
Showing posts from May, 2017

DE - Baden-Württemberg | DE - Bavaria

The shortest distance so far to create a pair of #LinkingPostcards. This card was sent by Wilhelm Hellstern  a cousin of mine from Weingarten. Wilhelm is an artist himself and does wonderful paintings. He started to create a collection for his artwork, but did not add anything to it so far. Let's hope he will do so soon, so you can also see his wonderful ArtWork. The card he sent to me is from Kastelruth in South Tyrol with the typical Haflinger Horses . We both love South Tyrol with its wonderful landscapes. Knowing that he loves South Tyrol, also my card was shot in that wonderful region in the Dolomites It's a sort of Highland Cattle we saw at Würzjoch (a mountain pass in the heart of the Dolomites. The stamp shows the pavilion in our city park. Starting with the middle of May every Sunday afternoon there is a free event taking place within the pavilion. It can be a choir singing, a band playing, a group dancing ... all local artists from Waldkraiburg an...

DE - North Rhine-Westphalia | DE - Bavaria

Yet another link on our global chain of #LinkingPostcards completed. It connects Bavaria with North-Rhein-Westphalia  - the South of Germany with the North. This card comes from Susanne Stelle   and was sent from Krefeld in Northern Germany. Susanne "always looks on the bright side of life" and she was also one of those people to immediately say yes, when learning about the postcard exchange in real life. The card I received from Susanne was shot on the Island of Mallorca. For having to wait so long for my answer, Susanne received two cards from me. She is the first one to receive a postcard from me in my own country, but I had only stamps for outside Germany. Also something went wrong with my first order and I didn't get any sent. Placing another order, everything worked perfectly, but Susanne had to wait for so long, so she got two cards, one for the # LinkingPostcards initiative and the other one for the waiting. I thought she might like one of my shot...

Changes made to the #LinkingPostcardsMap

Initially I wanted one pair of #LinkingPostcards shown in one layer, but recently I found out that the number of layers you can use within a map is limited to 10. Never used more than about 4 - 5 layers before, just when I started to plan my next USA trip Now I created a layer called "Headquarter" - that is the city I live in and wherefrom the #LinkingPostcards started and will spread hopefully all over the world. As it symbolizes the home of #LinkingPostcards, the icon used to show on the map is going to be the HOME (house) icon. For every continent I'm going to create a new layer, and within the layer all the countries, counties and locations I get a card from. The continents will not be displayed in alphabetical order, but in the order I received the first card from that continent. The locations where the cards come from, are marked with a camera-icon on the map. There is going to be a different color for every continent. As my very first #LinkingPostcards r...

RO - Sântana, Arad | DE - Bavaria

This link is a very special link for me in more than one regard. It is the first link that was created with a person outside of Google+ and this person is my cousin Inge Covaciu. She lives in the city called Sântana near Arad in the country I was born and grew up - Romania. Beautiful Romania ... She has many good photos and could not decide which ones to send, so I got a total of 5, 3 of which I would like to present you here. When I went to school in the neighboring town of Arad, I used to commute by train, that was driven by such a steam engine, as shown on the left picture. Wonderful memories from my teenage years. The colorful trees can be found in a small village in the Western Carpathian Mountains called Bucium . There are some interesting basaltic rocks in the area, that break from their places and slide down from time to time, but it's also a wonderful place for hiking. The flowers and herbs in the lower right corner photo are in her own garden. Beautiful B...

#LinkingPostcards - deutsche Version

Am 1. März dieses Jahres habe ich eine Aktion gestartet, sich gegenseitig eigene Postkarten oder ausgedruckte Aufnahmen von einem selbst gemachten Foto auf dem normalen Postweg handgeschrieben zu verschicken. ein kleiner Überblick der bereits vorhandenen, aber teilweise schon verschickten Postkarten Wie alles begann - ein Blick hinter die Kulissen  Im Juli 2016 hatte ich auf dem ersten Europäischen Route 66 Festival in Ofterdingen meine erste eigene Foto-Ausstellung vorrangig mit Aufnahmen von der Route 66. Zu dieser Veranstaltung habe ich auch etwa 100 Postkarten mit Motiven meiner Bilder von der Route 66, aber auch vom Südwesten der USA und aus Europa einschließlich meiner Heimat Bayern drucken lassen und diese mit einem Sticker mit meinen Kontaktdaten versehen. Ich wollte nicht nur den Deutschen die Route 66 näherbringen, sondern auch den Gästen, die den weiten Weg über den Ozean gemacht haben, um an diesem Festival teilzunehmen, ein wenig meine Heimat zeigen - denn ich v...