DE - Baden-Württemberg | DE - Bavaria
The shortest distance so far to create a pair of #LinkingPostcards. This card was sent by Wilhelm Hellstern a cousin of mine from Weingarten. Wilhelm is an artist himself and does wonderful paintings. He started to create a collection for his artwork, but did not add anything to it so far. Let's hope he will do so soon, so you can also see his wonderful ArtWork. The card he sent to me is from Kastelruth in South Tyrol with the typical Haflinger Horses . We both love South Tyrol with its wonderful landscapes. Knowing that he loves South Tyrol, also my card was shot in that wonderful region in the Dolomites It's a sort of Highland Cattle we saw at Würzjoch (a mountain pass in the heart of the Dolomites. The stamp shows the pavilion in our city park. Starting with the middle of May every Sunday afternoon there is a free event taking place within the pavilion. It can be a choir singing, a band playing, a group dancing ... all local artists from Waldkraiburg an...